QR Translator

QRT Guidance 2The 3 Faces

The 3 Faces

The Tower of the Sun stands at roughly 70 meters, with a diameter of around 20 meters at its base, and arms that extend about 25 meters. There is nothing able to be seen quite like it in the world, as its odd appearance departs from western aesthetic conventions, as well as Japanese aesthetic traditions.
So what exactly is trying to be shown? As the artist himself hasn't said much, we are left scratching our heads in slightly frustrated perplexion. However, concerning the 3 characteristic faces, there is much to be known.
The〈Face of the Sun〉on its belly represents the present, while the〈Golden Mask〉at the apex is the future, and the〈Black Sun〉of its back shows the past. Including the creation of the '70 Expo's Theme Pavilion's encompassing structure of "Past" → "Future" → "Present", Taro Okamoto thought "Humanity's past, present, and future become one to be born over and over again in the bodies and minds of people."
This is all we know. Everything else is free for speculation. Please feel free to feel it for yourself.

History of the Tower of the Sun

1967.10 Prototypes completed
1968.11 Construction commences
1970.03 Opening of the World Exposition
1970.09 Closing of the World Exposition
1975.03 Selected for permanent preservation
1993.03 Major repair work completed (from 1992.09)
1996.01 Taro Okamoto dies
2016.10 Seismic retrofitting/restoration of interior begins
2018.03 Both projects completed/Tower interior opens